Founded in 2019, Glasshouse is built upon the experiences of founders, Harriet and Ella, who worked as Prison Officers whilst studying for their Master’s degrees in Rehabilitation. Prison officers turned abolitionist; their work now specialises in the use of theatre as a therapeutic tool to educate others and critically examine and dismantle systems of oppression. Glasshouse’s work is dedicated to supporting those whose lives are impacted by the UK penal system and collectively healing. All our work is built on a vision of an abolitionist future.


  • Co-Founder & Creator

    Theatre maker, Prison Officer and academic, Ella’s career has been dedicated to exposing the structural issues of the UK's Criminal Justice System. This has been the driving force behind the creation of Glasshouse Theatre. Whilst working as a Prison Officer Ella advocated for survivors of domestic abuse, completing her thesis on women's pathways into crime and the damaging cycles of abuse they face. She went on to implement the ‘Freedom Programme’, a trauma recovery group. Ella spoke at The House of Lords and at No.10 Downing Street on the continued abuse against women in prison and the dangers of burnout among prison staff.

  • Co-Founder & Creator

    Harriet Troup is a theatre-maker and workshop facilitator, with 10 years experience facilitating workshops for young people, looked-after children and young carers. She has worked as a Prison Officer alongside studying a Masters degree and worked with Unlock Drama to facilitate theatre in prisons. She led workshops culminating in a devised performance and using theatre to explore issues of violence, drugs and mental health with prisoners. She has experience of script writing, including on the Bristol Old Vic writing programme under mentor Chino Odimba and as a co-creator of Cell Outs. She is the co-founder of Glasshouse Theatre, alongside her continued work as a mental health support worker in the community .

  • Dramaturg (Cell Outs)

    Laura Asare is an actress facilitator and mentor. After leaving drama school she worked with Clean Break on numerous plays and arts education programmes. Credits with Clean Break include Assistant Director on Joanne at the Soho Theatre, before taking over as Associate Director for the show at RSC Royal. As well as co facilitating collaborations with the Donmar Warehouse and CSSD.

    She is also the co-founder of Blank Cheque (Arts in Prison) which works with underrepresented and marginalised people to develop life skills, connect with communities and be creative.

  • Director (Cell Outs)

    Grace Church is a theatre-maker, performer, director & workshop leader with 6 years experience. She is Brighton born and bred but trained at UEA & Jacques Lecoq. She co-runs Stumble Trip Theatre and Guttersnipe Theatre and collaborates with Frisky Arts.

  • Financial Manager

  • Creative Consultant


    Former prison officers, Ella and Harriet, speak about the difficulty of working in a prison system that often causes harm to prisoners, and the impossible role of an officer.


    Hear Glasshouse Theatre talk about difficult subjects such as trauma, but also aubergines and the importance of laughter in dark times, all encapsulated in their play ‘Cell Outs’.


    Navigating the UK prison system and healing through creativity. Hear about when creativity and desire for social reform collided with the harsh realities of UK prisons.