Glasshouse delivers bespoke, trauma-informed and participatory drama workshops designed to raise awareness and inspire dialogue about the Criminal Justice System.


Glasshouse delivers educational drama workshops to all year groups. Previously, we have delivered workshops in schools on the topics of devised theatre, autobiographical work and self-identity, wellbeing and mental health, the criminal justice system, masculinity and the patriarchy. Through collaborative work, open communication, and a supportive environment, we foster confidence and encourage creative exploration in students.

  • Students will delve into systemic injustices to gain a deeper understanding of their own identities and their role within society.

    2 hour workshop:
    £300 + travel expenses + VAT

    2 x 2 hour workshops (same day):
    £675 + travel expenses + VAT

  • Through devising techniques, students craft bold and innovative narratives using autobiographical stories that tackle issues directly affecting them.

    2 hour workshop:
    £300 + travel expenses + VAT

    2 x 2 hour workshops (same day):
    £675 + travel expenses + VAT

  • We work with you to design tailored, bespoke workshops, offering you the chance to design sessions in accordance with your availability, curriculum, class size or topic.

    Get in touch to discuss a bespoke workshop.

Is budget a barrier at your school? We offer reduced workshop rates to underserved students and schools to ensure theatre is accessible for everyone. To find out more about discounted workshops, please contact us directly.

  • "The facilitators were professional and dynamic. They worked flexibly and delivered an exciting, relevant project"

    Head of Year 10

  • 100% of students would recommend Glasshouse workshops to other students

    Sedgehill Academy, 2023

  • "The session was engaging and I enjoyed trying something new, I feel more confident now!"

    Year 9 student


In partnership with Unlock Drama, we facilitate bespoke workshops for people in prison. Participants create original theatre addressing issues relevant to them, including substance misuse, mental health and violence reduction. We focus on communication, team building and creativity to encourage dialogue around improved wellbeing.


Working in partnership with Pact, we provide creative spaces, drama workshops and free theatre projects to support people affected by the prison system, such as the families of people in prison. We offer ongoing peer support and creative outlets for young people affected by the Criminal Justice System.